Cape Associates’ project in Falmouth, MA was featured in Cape Cod HOME – Fall 2019
By Allyson Plessner, Photos by Peter Vanderwarker
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From Cape Cod HOME Magazine:
A second home in Falmouth becomes a wooded wonderland for a couple with a passion for entertaining, being creative and appreciating the natural beauty of Cape Cod.
In the most fantastical works of great literature, there’s almost always a mystical forest: wooded and enigmatic, it’s a place for lovable protagonists or notorious villains to gather, contemplate, dream and adventure. Little Red Riding Hood went traipsing through the woods to her grandmother’s house. Lucy Pevensie stumbled through a wardrobe into snow covered ferns until she met a seemingly friendly fawn in Narnia. In The Wind in the Willows, Mole traverses the “Wild Wood,” hoping to meet Badger, and in Harry Potter, young wizarding students are warned of the precarious mysteries of “The Forbidden Forest.”
Click here to read the full article.