


New Home, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Falmouth, MA

Renovation, Orleans, MA

New Home, Wellfleet, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Truro, MA

Major Renovation, Truro, MA

New Home, Truro, MA

New Home, Orleans, MA

New Home, Orleans, MA

New Home, Truro, MA

New Home, Falmouth, MA

Historic Renovation, Provincetown, MA

Renovation, Orleans, MA

New Cottage, Wellfleet, MA

New Guest House, Orleans, MA

Lola Mer Boutique, Chatham, MA

Cape Associates Office, Chatham, MA

Kitchen Remodel, Harwich Port, MA

Major Renovation, Brewster, MA

Renovation, Truro, MA

Remodel, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation, Brewster, MA

New Home, Eastham, MA

Renovation, Brewster, MA

New Home, Barnstable, MA

Renovation, Orleans, MA

New Home, Brewster, MA

This Old House Idea House 2020

The Knack, Hyannis

Renovation, Provincetown, MA

New Gazebo, Chatham, MA

Renovation, Del Mar Vacations

FORWARD at the Rock

New Home, Truro, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Cape Cod, MA

Renovation and Expansion, Centerville Public Library, Centerville, MA

New Pool House, Orleans, MA

Kitchen & Bath Renovation, Orleans, MA

New Home, Brewster, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown

Custom Barn, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation, Wellfleet, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

New Waterfront Home, Chatham, MA

Renovation, Provincetown, MA

Renovation, Orleans, MA

Harwich Port Commons

New Home, Wellfleet, MA

Nature Conservancy Chatham

Santander Branch Updates

Chatham Basement Renovation

Commodore Inn Renovation, Harwich, MA

Bathroom Renovations, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Chatham, MA

New Home, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation & Restoration, Cahoon Museum of American Art, Cotuit, MA

Chequessett Chocolate Renovations

Kitchen Renovation, Provincetown, MA

Cottage Renovation, Orleans, MA

New Home, Eastham, MA

Major Renovation, Wellfleet, MA

Major Renovation Condo, Provincetown, MA

New Building, Latham Centers Dormitory, Brewster, MA

Condo Renovation, Provincetown, MA

Pergola, Poolhouse & Pool in Brewster

Major Renovation, Emerald Physicians, Falmouth, MA

Renovation, Emerald Physicians, Mashpee, MA

New Home, Eastham, MA

YMCA Diabetes Resource Center

Dennis Union Church, Dennis, MA

Tile Work

New Waterfront Home, Eastham, MA

New Home, Chatham, MA

Renovation, Falmouth Historical Society, Falmouth, MA

Michael H. Cole Building, Eastham, MA

New Home, Centerville, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

Major Renovation, Orleans, MA

Renovation, Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod, Dennis, MA

New House, Chatham, MA

New Home, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation, Eastham, MA

New Home, Orleans, MA

New Home, Pleasant Bay, Orleans, MA

Renovation with Dormers, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation, Truro, MA

Cottage Renovation, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Harwichport, MA

New LEED Home, Brewster, MA

Renovation, Wine Cellar, Truro, MA

Major Renovation, Orleans, MA

Marjor Renovation, Seamen's Bank, Wellfleet, MA

New with Pool, Truro, MA

New Home, LEED Certified, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation, KoHi Coffee Shop, Provincetown, MA

Major Renovation, Wellfleet, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Wellfleet, MA

New Home, Eastham, MA

New Home, Eastham, MA

New Home, Chatham, MA

New Home, LEED Certified, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation, Wellfleet, MA

New Home, Energy Star Certified, Orleans, MA

New Homes, Herring Cove Village, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Eastham, MA

Renovation, Wellfleet, MA

Major Renovation, Seamen's Bank, Eastham, MA

Major Renovation, Orleans, MA

New Home, Eastham, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

New Home, Provincetown, MA View Project

Renovation, Mid-Cape Home Centers, Dennis, MA

New Building, Shepley Wood Products, Wellfleet, MA

New House, Orleans, MA

Restoration, Waquoit Church, Waquoit, MA

Restoration and Renovation, Brewster Meeting House, Brewster, MA

Kitchen and Stair Remodel, Wellfleet, MA

Major Renovation, Dennis, MA

New House, Brewster, MA

Major Renovation, Wellfleet, MA

Addition, Orleans, MA

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

Major Renovation, Orleans, MA

Renovation, Provincetown Fine Arts Center, Provincetown, MA

Major Renovation, Condo Building, Plymouth, MA

Renovation, West Dennis, MA

Kitchens by Cape Associates

Interior Painting Projects

Major Renovation, Dennis Memorial Library, Dennis, MA

Porches and Decks

Fireplaces by Cape Associates

Outdoor Living Spaces by Cape Associates

Major Renovation, Provincetown, MA

Dining Rooms by Cape Associates

Major Renovation, Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod, Yarmouthport, MA

Bathrooms by Cape Associates

Staircases by Cape Associates

Custom Beach Staircase, Wellfleet, MA

New Home, Orleans, MA

Our Custom Built-Ins

New Home, Energy Star Certified, Eastham, MA

Sunroom Addition, Brewster, MA

Remodel, Harwich, MA

Outdoor Showers

Screened Porches

Major Renovation, Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod, Marstons Mills, MA

New Home, Orleans, Mass
